IsozymeGeneSet, KEGG Enzyme
PAG Title | IsozymeGeneSet, KEGG Enzyme |
PAG ID | POX000454 |
Type | G |
Source Link | Isozyme |
Publication Reference | NA |
PAG Description | Genes associated with IsozymeGeneSet. PAGER constructed this gene-set from an Isozyme study (Bulent et. al. 2014) by grouping genes to the Isozyme ID 909d91a8-bc49-427d-82db-a262cb875a01. This Isozyme was obtained from the KEGG Enzyme database. |
Species | Homo sapiens |
Quality Metric Scores | nCoCo Score: 226 |
Information Content | Rich |
Other IDs | |
Base PAG ID | POX000454 |
Human Phenotyte Annotation | |
Curator | PAGER curation team |
Curator Contact | |
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